Neutral Adhesives

Neutral Adhesive offered by us is thermally modified starch powder with different catalysts. This glue is caustic free and has a pH between 7- 8 on the pH scale. If your requirement is for low moisture levels at around 10% in board, even in monsoon, then our NEUTRAL gum is the perfect choice. Neutral Adhesives offered by us comes in One Bag Mix (OBM) which is easy to use, especially where preparation facilities are limited
Neutral Adhesives

Product Formats

  • Adhesives designed for monsoon having neutral PH (Ph:7.8 on Ph. meter).
  • Even at highest humidity (90-95% RH) it ensures moisture between 9-11% in corrugated boards.
  • Provides excellent initial tack & 100% fibre tearing bonds.
  • Provides no flute marks on virgin and imported papers due to its neutral PH.
  • We can run the glue at lower viscosity resulting in higher coverage.
  • The pot life of the glue is 72 hours with stable viscosity.
  • The shelf life of the glue is 6 months.


Product Starch Base Ratio Solids in % Viscosity (+/-5 Sec) pH Packing in kg
M-NT-40 MAIZE/TAPIOCA 1:4 20 20-35 < 9 40
M-NT-50 MAIZE/TAPIOCA 1:3 25 20-35 < 9 50